Decarbonisedwaves energy

Using waves to generate competitivenon-intermittent electricity

The energy that meets industry's expectations

360° innovation to offer the best alternative for the future of the planet

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And in line with consumer use

Our wave modules are capable of capturing even the most chaotic swell, and transforming waves into energy from an amplitude of just 5cm.
As waves are stronger in the evening and in winter, HACE is in phase with consumption (grid parity).

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    "When the sun goes down and the wind dies, HACE continues to produce your competitive clean energy."

    Jean-Luc Stanek, Fonder

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Less than 1g eq.CO2 / kWh

The carbon impact of HACE over its life cycle is the lowest of all energy sources:
-Nuclear > 6g (according to EDF)
-Wind > 15g
-Solar > 25g
-Hydropower > 3g
-Fossil > 1000g

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    "This will enable us to respond to the needs of the population, to make hydrogen greener and more competitive, while at the same time making the most of our carbon quotas."

    Pierre-Marie Doutreloux, Sales director at HACE.

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Limited operating costs

OPEX is the main factor influencing the cost of energy, enabling HACE to offer highly competitive energy (<€25/MWh) and low-cost green hydrogen (<€2/kg).

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    "HACE is a rustic solution, the entire chain of which has been designed to allow simple, low-cost maintenance compared with other renewable solutions."

    Stephan Guglieri, Development Director at HACE.

Strong profitability

  • Quick and easy to install

  • Low OPEX

  • Continuous production


Proven social acceptability

HACE's mission is to be in step with all users of the sea

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No visual pollution

Less than 3 metres above water level

Whether installed offshore or close to the coast, HACE wave turbines are invisible and preserve the landscape.

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Respect for the seabed

No drilling, no concrete.

HACE technology does not require drilling to be fixed at sea. As a result, the seabed is respected and biodiversity is preserved.

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Sanctuaries the seabed

And promotes biodiversity

Thanks to our intelligent anchors, HACE power plants enable the redevelopment of underwater flora and fauna. This helps to regenerate food sources for fish.

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The preferred solution for fishermen

A potential source of additional income

Its modular design and universal ergonomics mean it can be maintained by all marine professionals.

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A solution recognised by environmentalists

Protecting the seabed

With its comprehensive approach to the marine ecosystem, HACE is fulfilling its mission to preserve the oceans.

Patents issued worldwide - Tested on site from 2018 - Validated at sea in 2023

A wide range of complementary uses

In addition to energy, HACE provides essential synergies for recurring problems

Coastal protection

HACE floating dikes disrupt wave orbitals while producing low-cost electricity.

Harbour Offshore

Wave modules can be used as floating pontoons for offshore installations and environmentally-friendly marinas.

Power generation for isolated sites

With its small footprint in the maritime domain, the wave engine makes it possible to electrify isolated sites.

Seawater desalination

As a continuous electricity producer, HACE is a strategic ally in the production of fresh water: 2 billion human beings do not have access to it.

Synergy of industrial facilities

Wave turbines stabilise offshore wind farms by doubling production, while pooling undersea cables.

Green hydrogenfilling station at sea

For the low-carbon maritime transport of the future.

Their opinion of our technology

They are seduced by the possibilities offered by HACE

"The ease with which HACE technology can be deployed is an added bonus. Thanks to its modular and adaptable design, HACE machines can be installed quickly and efficiently.In addition, AMS recently recently announced its intention to convert its fleet to use hydrogen as a fuel. This is where where HACE plays a key role."

Rodolphe Bodineau

Director at Atlantique Maritime Services

“HACE offers several crucial advantages. Firstly, thanks to the decarbonated electricity produced, we will be able to supply the nurseries and fish ponds, enabling more sustainable management of our marine resources.
Secondly, HACE offers an opportunity for fishermen to broaden their range of skills, subject to prior training, towards local offshore operations by, for example, operating HACE systems at sea."

Grégory Métayer

Chairman of the Comité Départemental des Pêches Maritimes et Elevages Marins des Côtes d'Armor

Are you looking for a highly profitable green technology?

You can contact us by filling in this form, and we'll be delighted to hear from you.

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- FAQ ?

Answers to your questions

Thanks to its modular system and wave segmentation, the HACE wave motor offers a number of advantages

  • Do you need a well-shaped wave for HACE to work?

    HACE works with any wave, even chaotic ones, by overpressurising air caissons that drive high-efficiency unidirectional turbines (> 91%). The wave is pixellated, so its full potential can be exploited.

  • Do you need big waves to generate energy?

    HACE covers a wide range of waves from 10 cm to 3 m and more.
    Can be installed anywhere: onshore, nearshore or offshore.
    Withstands extreme elements (cyclonic or freak waves).

  • What is the environmental impact of wave energy?

    The structure is low to the water (<3m), so has no impact on the landscape.
    The modules can be used as a dyke or floating pontoon while generating energy.
    HACE also helps to protect biotopes.

Our awards


Finalist 2021


1er price 2020


Prix d'excellence 2019 et 2020


1er prix de l'innovation 2019


Lauréat 2018


Lauréat 2018


Lauréat 2017


Membre fondateur


1/2 finaliste 2015 et 2018


Lauréat 2015


Let's talk about your infrastructure project - we're here to help.


Technopole Montesquieu
1 Allée Jean Rostand
33650 Martillac FRANCE



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Our strategic committee


Jean-Luc Stanek

Founder in 2013Since 2017 Jean-Luc is fully dedicated to Hace's development. Ex Santé Navale, ex IAE, he has a solid background in science and innovation. 

Christian Pages

Former R&D manager of Airbus

Jean Marc FABIUS

Jean Marc is CEO of Green Lighthouse. Company develops sustanaible electricity production for decentraled supply and isolated areas.

Hervé Suty

From 2015, he is CEO of Capburdy providing key equipment thru his company Tergys. Tergys technology involves HACE technology as energy supplier.

Bernard Roussely

X CTO cyber sécurity agency C3 OTAN / Ex General Manager of a testing Launcher centre

Pierre Doutreloux

Pierre is CEO of 100% Concious and Vegeplast. Pierre is supporting HACE developpement mainly in South Africa where he has settled his activities.

Jean-Luc Barou

CEO innovation ENSAM Bx, European expert in Materials résistance